Steveo answered your question in his first reply, you just didn't understand the answer. Let me give it a shot.

Your BIN file is the actual program that your PCM uses. It has all of the data that your car requires to run in it. It's the whole program.

An XDF file is a translator. It is not a program at all. That's why it's so much smaller than your BIN file is. There's no code in the XDF. It's not an operating system. It's literally just a translator that tells TunerPro how to interpret the BIN file. The contents of the BIN file don't change structure depending on which XDF you are using. Which XDF you are using just determines what parts of the existing code will be readable for you. The parts that aren't readable are all still there, still doing their jobs, they just don't have nice human-readable names and tables and buttons and all that.

Hopefully that gets it across. XDF is just a dictionary. Changing XDFs doesn't change your BIN. It just changes how you, the squishy human behind the keyboard, can interact with the BIN.