well, i got the first 5 ALDL ends here finally.... and the others will probably be a day or two behind.

unfortunately, i have the wrong ones. i was led to believe that they were the units i'm used to using... turns out they're not. they're about a foot longer(good), but the wired pins aren't correct... A, B and M are present, but E is not(in place of it, G), so while they would work just fine with any 8192 baud application, to work with 160 baud the ALDL connector on the vehicle would need repinned(the vehicle-side E pin would need to be moved to M). if i were to build the cable as-is and use G in place of the E pin and the G pin on the vehicle-side connector were populated, a dead cable is a certainly, since to my knowledge, G was only ever used to provide an alternate way of powering the fuel pump...

so, now i don't know what to do. i'm not going to force anybody to use it if they don't want it, but now it's going to take even longer to get the correct parts in.