Over my last weekend I was able to finally fix the EGR tube on the fiero. Last night I spent some time patching DC values and qualifiers from $24(fiero bin) and other $8D bins. The EGR DC table was propagated using values from $24, along with TPS threshold values. I cant open TP at work but iirc, $24 uses engine load in kpa for its qualifiers to enable EGR DC, also uses a qualifier for MAX threshold(higher loads). $8D uses TPS. On my way into work this morning the EGR looked like it was functioning normally, which is good. I did spot a possible issue, though. Let me start with the 3D EGR DC table, $24 uses a higher resolution table, but doesnt command and EGR DC above 50kpa, and max DC is ~44%. $8D commands 100% DC(which I didnt use those values) upto 80-90kpa, which I didnt use either just zeroed the table above 50kpa. Now in theory there wouldnt be any EGR DC commanded above 50kpa(in my mind) but I noticed EGR DC was 44%(at times) in the 60-90kpa areas. Thats weird to me because the table is zeroed out in those cells? If I dont want any EGR DC above 50kpa, theres nothing in the XDF to disable that. Or am I not understanding that right? There is only the TPS qualifiers, oh and the coolant temp V. EGR DC multiplier table. Im also going to assume that since the EGR DC table only reaches to 2000rpm that the values are interpolated above that? I didnt see a max rpm for EGR DC in the XDF either, possibly not found in hac? Or does it continue to operate no matter what RPM?

I will try to remind myself to get a datalog on the way home today.
