Quote Originally Posted by kur4o View Post
One limitation of mode 4 is that when you send new single command for example set AFR, all previously set commands are zeroed.
So all the modification must be contained in one single thread or every next parameter must be added to the existing command thread.
only a limitiation when working in something like tunerpro that is merely designed to transmit a byte array and not construct one. i just have a byte array[] and modify it as i go, transmitting the entire thing when changed.

having things setup for mode 3 like that, you're essentially working with an OBD2 style PID request string, which has its significant overhead drawbacks. sending a request for 6 bytes is going to take something like 16 bytes sent, then receiving 10.
totally. 8192 baud isn't a lot of bandwidth. any 'extended parameters' as i call them will have their own checkbox to enable them, the idea being you only view them when needed, then disable them.

The solution is to add clear blm + froze blm command and then set AFR target.
i got freeze BLM working, but i can't make it reset the BLM. maybe i've noted the wrong byte. do you happen to know the mode4 command for that?