For open loop forced AFR you can try this

00 00 00 00 40 00 40 00 00 $$ 00 00
so far i've found when car is in closed loop, it seems to work ok, but in open loop, it seems to lose its setting.

im experimenting with blm update disable + blm reset + force closed loop (60/40/40). if car is in open loop, forcing closed loop with a forced AFR wont hurt anything anyway since it's not real closed loop.

this is hard to diagnose on my end without a wideband; i suppose the afr override is all stored in a register so we can't snag it with a mode 3 request, can we...?

Is it possible to add an interface to send custom commands and get the raw result on screen, with the ability to change timing settings, t1=pause and t2=wait till get full frame
definitely possible

it's outside the scope of the 'main part' of the program, though.

one thing you'll notice if you look over the program is that the words 'hex' and 'protocol' and 'binary' aren't mentioned anywhere. that's by design. until i can see a real-world tuning need for a parameter, i'm hesitant to add it.

so if i do add it, it'll be behind an 'advanced' or 'debug' button... just so guys like you and me can use it. i'll work on it.

Quote Originally Posted by kur4o View Post
And make separate buttons for blm reset and blm update.
same story, those buttons would seem to aid experimentation and not tuning; not sure if they're necessary as part of the main interface.

hell, there aren't even buttons to turn the fans off and on.

i had them, thought 'why would i use this during tuning', and deleted them.