ADX P66 V6
XDF P66 V6
Bin 16236044 94 F Auto federal.bin (something I found but have no idea if I need)

I'm really only looking to read codes for now and I think I've accomplished that but I have no clue (other than hunt and peck) how to use this software.
The only error code I see is for the right rear O2 sensor which in turn is causing the system to function in Open Loop.

I should mention that the reason I'm going through this is because the engine developed a dead miss that I can't find. The software appears to have the ability to disable the cylinders one at a time (similar to pulling plug wires out of the distributer like we used to do) but when I use that feature I get no difference on any of the 6 cylinders. The software can also disable 2-4-6 or 1-3-5 as a group and one time (and only 1 time) when I selected that option and clicked "send" (I assume I'm supposed to click send) the engine sputtered badly and almost stalled but I was able to remove the command (for lack of a better term) before the engine stopped completely. I was never able to duplicate that effect and now it doesn't matter what cylinders or group of cylinders I disable, it makes no discernible difference in the running engine.

Also... I've seen numerous You Tube videos of the dash display in TunerPro with multiple viewing options via a drop down but all I get is a single drop down labeled "default". I can see all the changing values when the engine is running and I can read the codes but I don't get those pretty gauge displays I see in the YouTube videos. I must be missing something.

Sorry for being such a noob but the documentation doesn't appear to be structured with the noob in mind.

Thank you for any help you can provide.