Hello, I have a 78 350 swapped to tbi. I have been tuning the ve table for a few days. It has a th400. If i put it into second gear and floor it once it hits 3000 rpm it feels like i am driving into a massive head wind. It wont really go past 3000 rpm when floored. My camshaft is pretty worn and was wondering if that could cause that issue. Below is a picture of my average blm's on a 20 mile drive and my ve table graph. Looking at stock ve graphs it looks like the graph ramps up from idle to 3200 rpm where as my graph makes a big dip around 2000 rpm. Is that an issue. I have been making the ve adjustments using daves excel spreadsheet. So i guess my question is is does the ve graph look like it has a problem or could it be shaped like that because of my worn camshaft or does the ve graph look fine as long as the blm"s are ok?