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Thread: TunerPro help for 1994 Chevy Cavalier

  1. #1
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    TunerPro help for 1994 Chevy Cavalier

    Hi all,

    Just bought myself a 1994 Cavalier and have been searching for the .adx & .xdf files for TP5 without much luck.
    I HAVE found an .xdf for a 1995 Cavalier that I believe would work as it is for the LN2 2.2l I4 that should be the same as my '94.
    If so, then all I would need is a corresponding .adx to datalog the car.
    SO, any help, either pointing to a pre-existing file, or help on creating one as I am new to this part and have never made one before, would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Try this this link: Maybe A269

    dave w

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Six_Shooter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    '94 and '95 ECM are very different and won't be the same XDF, or ADX.

    *Edit* Thinking of wrong engine for recommending an ADX.
    Last edited by Six_Shooter; 11-29-2017 at 10:40 AM.
    The man who says something is impossible, is usually interrupted by the man doing it.

  4. #4
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Dave W and Six Shooter;

    Thanks for the responses. I have yet to pull the PCM out from behind the glovebox, so I am unsure exactly WHAT the PCM is or what PROM it has.
    I hope to do so tomorrow, then I'll better know which files SHOULD work and/or be close enough to modify for my application.
    I fully understand that the 1995 PCM may have a different mask than the 1994 - I KNOW that such is the case with the 1994 Jimmy that I had; the previous years used different BCC's than the BHRJ in mine.
    Now to DL the suggested files an have a go with TP in the car!


  5. #5
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Pulled PCM today.
    This is what I found:

    16191947 BJLT


    1994 Chevrolet Cavalier
    LN2 2.2l I-4
    3-Spd Auto Trans

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