Hi Dave, and others,
All of my older flash programming stuff, mefi, lt1, 0411 etc just had the basics and have served me well. Basics meaning, 12v, 12v switched, ground, comm, can't remember the rest if anything. Now that I am putting together some of the new stuff(e38, e40, e67, t42) I am building an enclosure that will have the 12v and 12v switched on toggles with LED's and am going to add a check engine light as well as fuel pump light. I believe both circuits just ground the pin to turn the led on. Do those last two connections need a resistor to load?
Basically each ecm/tcm harness adaptor will have a 10 pin 1/4 turn connector and the enclosure will be used for all of them with its' own 10 pin 1/4 turn. Can you guys think of anything else I should add? I'm just talking for basic programming and not an ecm test bench(that will come later, I've only been working on that for years lol).