new version up, nothing big. 0.5.6

might work with P66 but please dont try it without sockets or if you're crazy.

it does proper ALDL keepalive now which will be helpful if you're doing any fun stuff with the manual commands, this should be better than EEHack for that stuff, if it's not then let me know and i'll keep working on it

there's a new setting that slows down request/response timing for if your bus sucks or have a bad serial interface

there are some more UI improvements too, the 'advanced' section works like it should.

trying to keep anything that would scare new users in the 'advanced' tab so you can't really do anything wrong. connection, disconnection, loading kernels, all that good stuff should be automatic so no need to expose those controls.

there's a 'disconnect' button now too that hands bus master back over and closes the interface, which should be handy

it handles EEB bins more gracefully now since our ESIDE recovery patch doesn't work on those. i don't know why you'd want to use an EEB bin but now you can with only a stern warning

enjoy or don't
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