Making an xdf will be really awesome. Since now we have a viable method to convert raw bins to good bins, tuning the old school chip burning way will be much easier.

First thing to do will be to define the bin format for the xdf. eside is 64kb chip and tside is 128kb chip, including the ram section.
Tside must be first and eside second on the final bin. Than you can set the relative addressing. I think you should convert all the bins you have to that format and start the xdf with it.

One xdf fit all won`t work here. There are at least 2-3 different bin revision that shifted data here and there, so different version of xdf will be needed.

You can also look at the 96-97 code as 94-95 with the addition of obd2 emissions bloatware.

Eside structure is almost identical with the 94-95 code with the addition of some extra tables and scalars.

I suggest you start with the 94-95 xdf and change the starting addresses of the tables and scalars and mark the obd2 converted stuff so you can keep track of it. Later you can ditch the unneeded stuff. Some new tables will be added but they are not much.

You can also edit the xdf in text editor. It is much faster, than the built in interface.

Check bits are not that much, so you won`be having difficulties here, once understood. Find a good hex,binary calculator that can convert hex to binary and you can easily find which bits are changed. Windows calculator is doing fine with that in scientific level.