ok so i will go buy a 2bar, and ive got to let you know... i'm incredulous that you've been at this for so long. kudos for all you do for the hobby/passion of hotrodding.
my head is going to explode, i cant read anymore posts, im having brain-fry. do you have any video instruction for bin downloading-moding-uploading. i thought i just needed the eehack, eex definitions, to datalog and change bins. but i think i need something else.
I did get my wbo2 connected to laptop thru the A/C and had info populating eehack with the key on engine off. Explored the program and poked around but really cant go further w/o logging.but i cant data log any further than the length of my extension cord. when i start car it glitches my laptop which is connected to power port. I feel that sd is the way to go, but not at all comfortable doing any of this, with the threat of ruining my engine. but maybe watching it being done will give me the confidence to try this..