its on the trimalyzer download page. i took my github page down years ago.

if you're interested in writing for trimalyzer or any other project on fbodytech you would also want QT Creator (open source version) it's free and has everything you'd need to edit and build anything on there. it's a really great free package.

but if you don't know any C or c-derived languages it would probably be more efficient for both of us if you documented in total detail the changes that need to be made to make the files work with trimalyzer, and then i make the changes to spec

the first log that's loaded is considered the 'master' log, and all further logs are required to be in the same format.

the code that gets the header is really weak and simply assumes the first line is the header. i put a workaround in there so if there are less than three columns in the first line, it uses the second line instead. it's not very smart because most logging tools would output in a sane format so we don't have to worry about it.

in your case i'd say the log format would be unique enough where we could 'detect' that we're working with one of these logs and then run a slightly different loading routine.