This is what I put together a little while ago. I made it as simple as I could, using what I had and what I understood of the connections. I found the PCM connectors I had. One was red, the other blue. So I scraped off the key on the red one and am using it as my black connector. I used Gerry Massie's 2 connector OBDI/OBD2 benchtop diagram to guide me and just left off the OBD2 data wire. I guess I could always add it later if I wanted to. I need a switch for the ignition wire to make it pretty (double pole, single throw?) and my 12V & ground source. I have a 12V wall adapter somewhere, need to check the mA rating on it. Not sure how many mA (or full Amps) I need. Here's what I have so far. I used spade connectors to connect to ground and serial data on my ALDL cable.