I was reading on this from a previous thread from a few years ago. I have my VE pretty straight so I attempted to make this work for cruising. 93V8S10 showed only 4 parameters needed set/turned on. My question is the the last vs. vac, the table goes from 0-80 so it almost seems like map not vac and if it is vac is there a way to see you vac from tuner pro like there was in the 7747 computer. for vac I have max 14vac at idle, so if it truely is vac then I would only use the first 2 cells to the right on the table, not much adj. When I set "Maximum Temperature for AFR Lookup in Closed Loop" to 104c, verified "Open Loop AFR Enable" is checked and made a little adj to the table. the only one I am not sure of is the "Quasi- Closed Loop Lower AFR Limit" I left that alone. I tried searching for each of thee settings not getting anything specific except the first thread I looked at.

I guess there is not a timer for this so it just goes into this under normal conditions of cruise not accel, deaccel, AE and PE.