Hello Everyone,

I'm helping my neighbor with an LS swap. 2005 Express Van 3500 6.0/4L80e into a an 84 C10 pick up. I've done a few LS swaps, but always used an Aftermarket ECU

Not doing anything wild with the engine - Stock long block - TBSS intake and Headers.

The van that we pulled this out of had Stabilitrack and was DBW. PCM is HDW No. 12589161 Serv. No. 12589462.

I have read that this PCM is one that can do DBW but also has IAC drivers installed.

Which BIN would I need to convert this to DBC? I assume that any "Blue Green" conversion harness would work.

Is it as simple as doing a full write of the bin with PCM hammer with the new BIN and then deleting VATS?

Thank you for your help.