Yeah I did that and the blue led starts flashing fast to indicate it is trying to connect but it never shows up. I'm pretty sure it is FUBAR at this point. These have gotten pretty expensive, I would think there would be something better by now what with all the ones on the market but so far the ones I have looked at all seem to have close to 10% unfavorable ratings, mostly for connectivity issues and I don't really think one in 5 purchasers are clueless about pairing bluetooth. Also I don't believe bluetooth as a comm method is quite that bad.

Of course, last time I went around and around over this connectivity issue was back when they changed the chip in the preferred physical cable and they all were then bad. I still have one of those around here somewhere if I haven't thrown it out. At that point I bought the LX and it worked so I stopped looking at it.

BUT, I have no problem at this point with using a cable if I can find one that is affordable and reliable. For that matter all this was a big part of the reason I migrated to HPT. I think I did have one glitch with their hardware but we got it sorted without anyone going nuclear. But as it turns out, they can't help me with the transient tuning so we're back here.

My buddy Scott tells me there is a BT unit that a couple of the guys developed specifically for tuning, Was maybe an American working with an Australian, does that ring a bell? But honestly I'd be perfectly happy with a cable if it works.
