Sorry to take so long getting back to this, my hard drive crashed and I had to basically start over and it's taken me awhile to find this thread. Present status is that I do have the OBDXPRO in hand, I have PCMHammer v21 installed and it does recognize the obdxpro. I have the Universal Patcher (downloaded yesterday) also installed but I remember seeing something about loading a file before using it, I'm looking for that reference.

I still haven't managed to download the bin file using PCMHammer. There might be a power issue of some sort, if I connect to my simulator with the battery charger on it interferes with my touch pad and makes cursor movement almost impossibly erratic due to latency. But on the battery only it seems to behave more normally. However I haven't gotten it to properly connect to the ECM yet either on the simulator or the car. Bound to be something I'm doing wrong but I haven't run across the detailed sequence of user inputs for doing that download so at this point I am mostly guessing and trying to remember how it's supposed to be done. I suppose at some point I will figure it out again and say, "Well of course.." but I'm not there yet.

So that's the update, in case anyone was interested.
