Hi Hog! Welcome, glad you made it and thanks for the usful info.

Some people have reported issues with reply lately, was a Windows 8 but some other 7 without Java updates. This fixed it:

Here's one thing you can do in your settings:

Message Editor Interface:
  • Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing
  • Basic Editor - A simple text box
  • Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls
When posting messages to the forums or other members, there are three interface types available to you. The simplest of these is a simple text box, while the last is a fully-fledged WYSIWYG editor, which allows you to format your text as you want it and see the results immediately.

Depending upon the capabilities of your web browser, you may not be able to use all of these options. If you experience problems when posting messages, try switching to a different interface type.