Quote Originally Posted by EagleMark View Post
I'm wondering if they are going to through these restrictions into the gas world as well with a new update? I've got a duplicate laptop now so when these restrictions come into play it will get no more updates!

That said there is so much missing from the 98-00 Votec it would not matter on that one...
I've been wondering the same about the OBDII gas power vehicles. I'm thinking, because the "cable/software" needed to flash OBDII is already under tight controls, OBDII gas powered vehicles are not going to be in the political "cross hairs" during the current political administration. I'm thinking the "Genie" is already out of the bottle for OBDII gas powered vehicles, and any political action to put the "Genie" back in the bottle would be unrealistic and unenforceable.

Ultimately, if someone really wanted to, the flash chip could be de-soldered from the circuit board and flashed with a new file and re-soldered back to the circuit board. The only real changes enacted by the new Diesel Tuning Restriction as I see it, the skill level needed and compensation required to Diesel Tune just went up. In all practical sense, Diesel Tuning will still continue, similar to the "Speak Easy" days of Alcohol Prohibition.

dave w