I'll definately check that out.
Sent him an email,I'll dig up some diagrams and see if I can ferret out what my osid calls for versus how he's wired.

While diag'ing a bad injector wire I did cut the harness open from the #2 injector all the way across to pcm which is below where glovebox would be inside cab looking for the injector power splice.
I found basically a huge splice of what looked like all the Vpower ckt's if I had to guess.
He said the truck has no fusebox and I know there is no real key on/start,only an on switch and starter button.
With key on fuel pump is constant as well.

None of this is how I would build a custom harness for this application,but as I said before i'm not sure what the norm is with these type's of trucks.
I personally love fuses and relay's and switches,they just mean more control as well as protection.
Maybe not what you want on the trail though?

Anyway,didn't see anything that I would call wrong. Just not what I prefer myself.
The price for the harness is pretty good though,think it is around $6-700.
I'm assuming they're using a tuning solution with vin licensing since most are so considering $100? for a license as well and I thought it was reasonably cheap for a harness.
Fiero swap harnesses start around $750 I think no cores,and GM or S&P harnesses like $1500+ prob?