hey everybody, sorry about the lack of updates, going through a slight design change and am verifying that everything will still be working as expected. moving to a significantly smaller(about 60% smaller) PCB inside of the box to give an easier assembly/more room. also moving to a 6 foot mini-B cable for now, instead of the 4 foot B cable. my parts supplier was getting was too inconsistent in what they were sending me, so i went elsewhere to keep everything easier to interchange if necessary.

knowing me, yet another revision will be made, but it will probably be a while before that comes around... i've been buying the PCBs rather than having them made for me. because of this, i basically have to adapt to whatever i can find, rather than make what would work best. i just have to make sure i'll be able to reliably hot air solder the FT232 chips, since SSOP-28 can be done with an iron but it's not as clean as i would like.

anyways, as soon as i verify that the new PCB will work, i'll be ordering quite a few of them, there's a lot of backed-up orders/requests.