steveo, sorry about that, I'm was pretty sure I created it public from the beginning. Oh well, now it is, let me know if you have any issue.

Mike, yeah both CAN bus shields that I know of don't have the ICSP header. To make it worse, SparkFun does sell this thing that I think would work to change the pin out back to "normal" but I'm not 100% sure it will work fine with the Mega and it has no holes that I need for my enclosure ( that seems to be a standard for arduino stuff. So I found this shield instead that does seems to be a better option. So now I'm trying to go back to sparkfun to look for an enclosure that could possibly contains two shields and their site down for maintenance for a few hours... fun fun fun :D

It seems like everything is incompatible with something, its a pain in the a** :D