Yeah he is wordy, but you have to remember all this stuff is done is class with kids that know nothing, even the ones shot under hood are in class. What I liked is he knew stuff I've never known or had an idea of and he just clarified the entire subject to a better understanding. Also goes into which direction for diagnostics, quick tests as time savers instead of going through the entire diagnostic chart when that could have been three starting points etc... Good use of DVOM with explanations and double checking... You can tell he's been in the field and was paid piece work.

Here's one that I've bumped into many times but did not know why? I've done a lot of harness re-wires and there's usually more then one 5 volt reference right? But inside ECM there is only one 5 volt reference and it's sent out in 2 circuits. Why? Because of the temp sensors going to ground and other sensors grounded back to ECM. So if you happen to rewire a TPS and a CTS on same circuit... no good, voltage will be off. I was always careful as to re-wire back to wiring diagrams but did not know why! Simple once he explained!

For no start conditions and a bad/faulty ECM/PCM that does not even have a 5 volt reference or a CEL for that matter you can still have spark because of ByPass IGN system spark being handled at start up by ICM.

Anyway if someone finds one of at least this quality and is something we could use or learn from post it up!