Yes, some vehicles will shut down when the keyfob is out of range AND the vehicle is not in motion. The Benz design is able to keep the car running when the "Key Not Recognized" message is shown in the Info-Center. This is due to the chance the batteries in the keyfob are fading and lessens the inconvenience for the owner. It will allow a drive cycle to continue, even after shifter set to Park and into Drive again. Like all systems of this nature, it will not shut the car down while it is in motion for safety reasons. Once the car comes to a complete stop, regardless of gear selection, it will shut down. Once upon a time ago, the owner visited the MB service center for battery replacement in the keyfob. They charged him $40.. After I showed him the trick to access the twin button cell batteries inside, he was happy to know it isn't some proprietary battery. Needless to say, he doesn't get the keyfob batteries changed at the dealership any more.