I always go with another bung. They come with a plug so when done just plug it up. I've tried several times to use the simulated narrow band and all it does is waste my time, yeah it can simulate but it can't do cross counts so that is why the CEL code comes on when the test is run.

Also when you get the WB and hook it to the EFI Live V2 get a Null Modem. With the Null Modem you can disconnect from your V2 and hook up to the Innovate WB controller to configure both the channels and update firmware if need be and do the free air calibration. Believe me it is the way to go over the TAQ cable which always seems to be to short and also seems to have a slightly larger end so it needs to be forced in. It's OK but when you go back to the regular cables now your socket is loose?

The serial hook up to V2 is the most accurate way to get your WB readings into EFI Live. Way better then the AD ports.