5.00.8519.00 (General Release) (11/19/14)

  • XDF Item Finder toolbox is now resizeable
  • When a table graph is open and a new compare bin is loaded from the compare menu, the graph is now refreshed to show the new bin
  • When opening a new XDF with the XDF Item Finder toolbox open, the toolbox is now automatically closed
  • Fixed crash when attempting to connect to ALDL stream in AutoProm mode with no AutoProm attached to the PC
  • Fixed issue with keyboard shortcut assignment where attempting to assign the Escape key resulted in the shortcut window closing instead of assignment of the key itself
  • Fixed issue where choosing "Save As..." when saving an ADX didn't cause the editor title bar to update with the new filename and path
  • Fixed issue where recursion in a table or function equation wasn't properly being tracked and reported, resulting in over-reporting of recursion
  • Fixed a subtle but particularly heinous bug where XDF conversion equations that were recursive could result in variables with the same name being overwritten during recursive calculation (e.g. "CELL(ROW()+1; 0; FALSE) - X", where the value of X is set in the initial calculation frame, then overwritten when the CELL function is called with the value of X in that calculation frame))
  • Fixed issue with patches that would falsely report a buffer is patched when a portion of it is not actually patched
  • Fixed issue where table axis links may not always be resolved on XDF load. Current fix has very minor performance implication with large XDFs. Future improvement planned.