To read the calibration you need to load the correct strategy, yes. A lot of errors will pop if you don't. There is a blank strategy made by Decipha just to read the EEC and save the file, I attached it. Open the strategy then read the calibration from the EEC, you won't be able to see or edit anything, but the file will be saved.

Ford computers are not picky about the calibration you flash to them, as long as the hardware is compatible and you don't mix apples with oranges.

As I have learned, Ford stuff is very different than GM. You don't read a Ford EEC and start tuning using that file as base. The process is a little different and you need to be very careful to not flash corrupted or unknown calibrations, because it will brick the EEC. They can be recovered but it will cost you credits.

Did you buy any strategy files? Where did you get the software and mongoose from?