I almost dont know where to start, so I will from the beginning.

I bought 6 ea 16196395 ECMs. I remove each prom, cut out the existing chip and solder in a terminal to later install allow a removable 27C512 chip.. I use the OD$ mask and all is well with 4 of the 6. Each terminal and pinout was checked and passed. The Prom work in all ECMs and all ECMs were checked with other proms/chips and later with a romulator that I use. I have also tried the prom in a 16197427 ECM, but with the same results.

THE PROBLEM: The 2 proms will run my engine, but not well, both give have strange/low readings in turnerpro and dont run well....almost like I have the wrong mask. Timing is low and skips at lower RPMs. I have verified chips and plugs my romulator into the prom and still the same problem. It appears there is something up with these proms. Both proms have knock chips with 119**** numbers printed, but I dont know if that means anything.

Any ideas will be appreaciated as I dont know where to start.

