Hi troutdog311
I've read a bunch of interesting articles (by Greg Bannish & Injector Dynamics) but not had time to play yet.
The injectors take a short time to open and then fuel starts to flow taking a time until it stabilises to the injector flow rate.
(This is a curve from zero upto where the flow/time straightens out).
I understand the concept but not which way round the figures work.
In my tune they were all set to zero and presumably adjusted around.

My thoughts are:
If the injector takes 500-usec to open and 1000-usec before flow stabilises.
In Open loop:
With a BPW of 1000-usec we have 500-usec of no flow and 500-usec of partial flow.
with a BPW of 1500-usec we'd have 500-usec of no flow 500-usec of partial flow & 500-usec of stable flow.
so the adders are to make up the shortfall.

I realise I have been viewing the logs whilst in Closed loop so the PCM would have already compensated for this.
