Ah, good times.

I don't know if I can think of one single day as bad as that...but I had a rough spring last year. I've got 3 cars. I drive the truck in the winter, and the Beretta and Camaro are the summer hot rods. I had the Beretta in pieces still from doing a smoked clutch swap & engine regasket job in March when the auto trans in my truck died in April. Ok...so I woke the 4mpg Camaro up from hibernation early to use as a DD til the Beretta was done. The powdercoat place ended up taking 4 weeks to get my headers done so the Beretta sat there almost ready to go for quite a while as I drove the 93octane pig to work every day. I took my old man for a joy ride in the Camaro after he was busting my balls about how "fast" his Buick was after I tuned his carb. On the redline 3-4 shift at WOT it ate the rear u-joint and tore up the custom driveshaft. So I had it flat-bedded to the house next to the dead truck in the driveway and the unfinished Beretta in the garage. Had to drive my fiance's Subaru for the next week when the headers finally came in for the Beretta. A few days later I got a new custom driveshaft delivered and installed it in my sloped driveway since I couldn't push it up the hill in to the garage. Then I was back to two cars!

Fast forward to this fall and the truck is done, but in the garage getting a TPI fuel pump upgrade when I broke the 3-4 shift fork in the Beretta at the strip and got towed home...so I got to use the Camaro as a DD again for a couple days. haha