That scope is real fun to play with.
I still need some more info to decode the information.
Is the injector pulse the dip or the rise on the graph and what is measured volts or amperage.
That cylinder pressure thing is also very interesting. Can you gavi some info how it is measured and what tools are needed.

I will ask you to do some more testing to figure out on the hardware level fueling.
There is no points in the code how fuel injectors are fired. Only hint is for ind cyl corr. They are fixed to 3000 rpm and 10% TPS.
Since the TPU controls injectors, the only way to tell injectors are in sequential mode is to monitor the coils with a scope.
Can you do that graph with varying rpm and tps, so we know exactly at what conditions batch mode is used and how PWM are calculated at batch mode if it exists at all.

Another thing that bogs me down is the built in total advance of 46 degree.
I got two theories. First is the the rotor tip is wide that much and is a mechanical limit.
Second is the soft theory. The degrees between falling edge of the widest low res slot and the rising edge of the next low res slot is exactly 46 degrees, It could be coincidence, but as we know in the code PCM counts high res slot between falling edge and rising edge of low res signal and determines current firing cyl ID.
It is verified by data stream at RAW cyl ID and it is a perfect match.

What is strange there is built in +-2 degree error built in the code. The cyl ID on first cyl can vary between 44 and 48 degree. If it is outside this range high res failure code is triggered.
I have monitor the cyl id raw value and at rapid rpm changes the counts on cyl ID drops by 1 or 2 degrees.

I noticed that the northstar ign module uses a 4x cam sensor also. Could the delteq modify the low res signal and feeds it to the ICM.