I apologize for hijacking this post. Finally had time to mess with it today. After much testing I finally got it going. Apparently the chip has to be seated way further up than I thought. I know a lot of you told me that was something to no over look and knew that had to be the issue. I stacked 4 cut pieces of credit card for the floor. I tried from none all the way up till I got to the 4th piece before it worked.
On the first PCM that had the corrosion. I removed the socket and put a new one in. It's the same way being that it needed 4 pieces of credit card for the floor. I don't understand how when I did that first one, one piece worked and not now. Ohh well both are working,,,,,so far haha.
Thank you for all the help guys!
isn't that annoying? i struggled with this for ages too.

you would figure if you put the plastic piece back that you broke out before soldering, it would be ok.. but for some reason that height isn't quite right either.

i found that if you look very carefully at the socket and insert the chip very slowly, you can see the socket pins move a bit when they begin to make contact, so you can tell what the maximum height is, and then set it a bit lower.

i never quite trusted my socketed ecm for a running vehicle after seeing how finicky the sockets were.