Man things have been rough with this lately.

Bought the new laptop, then the garage flooded three weeks later and it got drowned. Just now got it repaired and took some datalogs today, found out my plus and minus keys don't work on the laptop keyboard and I had a dead O2 sensor.

Fixed the O2 sensor and started going through the tune again, working out what kinds of bugs are still there...I've forgotten a LOT about this thing since I last worked on it. Been driving it daily, and while the fuel milage had declined some it was still good...power wasn't and the engine wasn't so smooth, but nothing I could do without a new laptop to tune with.

Downloaded Trimalyzer since the new laptop runs Windows 10, now I gotta get Winflash working on it. I'll pull the current bin and do the first actual tuning on the truck since I fired it up...even with the bigger cam, bigger injectors, supercharger, and headers, my integrator has always been pretty close and the BLM's have been within 8 of 128 from the start. (I did hand edit the VE tables first, so my guesses were in the right direction!)

More tomorrow. I gotta get consistant on updating this or I'll never figure out what I'm doing again!