Sorry for the delay just got back from a business trip and didn't bring my tuning laptop with me. Gonna try to cut to the chase...I opened two sessions of tunerpro and ran your logs side by side using a $0D.adx and your $31.adx. Good news is the numbers are purdy much dead on the same in the history although there's some disparity in knock retard in same reported areas. However when using a $0D.xdf and $0E.xdf...line address do start in different areas in the bin between the two areas I've looked at. Spark shows all negative numbers in the $0E.xdf. VE in $0E.xdf has areas where values random zero with areas in high 90s slightly off idle. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if you're going to use a $0D.bin then you should be using a $0D.xdf and $0D.adx. Your screen shot a few post back, you don't find it odd that you have ~dozen peaks and valleys in the TPS that occurs in a few seconds? Or is that your foot feathering the throttle in that area???