Hiya Scott,
Yes I drilled the manifold bleeds, no 2 i think is smaller of the top of my head. I drilled them as the drilling was crap, flash left in so needed deburring and they come out all over the sides of port rather than consistantly at the bottom like the chevy manifold.
Throttle body was drilled originally to get iac counts down. As timing was increased vac would improve and counts went down. As the tune and idle has improved (timing lowered) counts started dropping very low and ive fitted a restrictor back in. That’s why i suggested not drilling until your idle settles.

I’ll check logs tomorrow but i’m sure this always starts with counts around 160 and drops. Idle starts about 1100 rpm when cold. I’ve replaced iac and done relearns etc, iac vs temp tables all lowered and remembered values don’t seem to work.
