Quote Originally Posted by kur4o View Post
Can you look at the end of injection target and how it is used by the tpu. The math here is some what guessed it will be nice to get a confirmation how to convert the eoit target to degrees.

14d6 is modified before and after the EOIT target is updated in the tpu.?/some timer maybe. it is missing on the 94-95 code.
These are the other tpu addresses, there are 4 of them. Could be for some individual eoit targets by cylinders.

The value of EOIT target is 00-6f, First digit could be low res pulses from TDC, and the second digit could be some % between low res pulse. 0-f=15 90*/15=6* accuracy.
It is only speculations but it is also the most logic one.
EOIT is next up. What can you tell me about locations $1580,2,4,6,8,A,C,E? I believe they are involved with EOIT.
