Steve, sent you an email. I tried an OBD1 PCM hooked up into a '96 B-body with a new (to me) adapter hooked to pins 9 and 5 but couldn't make it work. So I pulled the PCM out and hooked it to my old benchtop programming harness connected to a new car battery and on a charger. Both eehack and flashhack read it just fine. BTW I think eehack isn't letting go of the COM port because I was getting access denied errors when trying to use flashhack after eehack even though I'd closed eehack. But anyway...

I tried using flashhack to write, and it burped about halfway through the T side and is continuing to give errors when trying to write to the T side. I left power on to the PCM but cycled the ignition several times and it read just fine several times afterward, so at least that's good. But it's got OxFF's in most of the T side still. I emailed you a log.