Quote Originally Posted by Six_Shooter View Post
I have found one of the best tools to use for someone to understand the changes made to a tune/BIN is to use an EPROM emulator, like an Ostrich 2.0 or AutoProm, which it sounds like you didn't buy.

The old method of datalog, modify bin, burn, swap EPROMs does work, it takes a lot longer and can be more difficult to get right, because you can't immediately see the result from the change and the change may be so subtle that it's difficult to tell if you're going in the right direction or not, and so you may make a bigger change than needed on the next iteration, which then may make the engine run poorly and think that you went the wrong way, changing the tune again, but the wrong way and you can get into a lot of back and forth and frustration. So, basically if you use the burn n swap method, you need to have patience and pay real close attention to what the datalog says and what your other senses tell you as well. That last part is the reason I don't do remote tuning or mail order tunes. I've tuned some cars where the numbers on the screen would have led me the wrong way, using my other senses, feel, smell sight, etc, have been my greatest asset when it comes to getting a tune right.

Using an EPROM emulator speeds up the process quite a lot and you can see the changes immediately as you make the changes and know whether it's in the right direction or not. It really helped me to understand what changes did what back when I first started learning.

I see. The reason I went in this direction is because support from moates suggested it may take a month or so to learn (and that this way was a little less expensive) and getting a tune written for me might be the better direction even if it means sending the data I log to someone over email and exchanging back and forth. I guess I should have just bit the bullet and bought the AutoProm. I guess Ill either end up spending that extra money (yikes) or Ill have to find someone to walk me through this method at least until I am pretty comfortable I'm not going to break anything. Any suggestions are welcome. I watched the video from Dave but unfortunately that website the guy uses to find a close bin to his mods isn't functioning and seems pretty dead.