looking for info on chip or should I do ostrich 2.0 ( which is foreign to me)
most guys would just get a G1 and a chip, and a cheap programmer, the thing is it MUST have been already tuned or it would barely run at all, so you might want to open it up and see if that stuff is already in there. the chip itself may be marked which would be a good starting point. you might already have a flash chip so all you have to do is buy a programmer

runs and drives ok, but cruise. steady rpm, is not nice
a typical cause of that is the timing advance being totally out to lunch in cruise range, which is a good reason to invest in an ostrich, as that kind of thing is certainly a tune-by-feel and trial and error thing, which for a first time tuner would be much easier to do by you sitting in the passenger seat with a laptop, and a friend driving in the problem range.

the way i usually correct timing errors in cruising range is identify the problem range (isolate to a particular RPM, MAP, TPS, temperature range, whatever), drop like 4-5 degrees of timing in the problem area to see if it gets better. if it gets worse, try going the other way and adding 4-5 degrees instead. then try a bit more until you notice no difference, stop and smooth out that part of the timing table a bit. this doesn't require an emulator, but does require opening your ecm and reprogramming the chip a half dozen times at least.

and while I'm seeking info, throttle is very stiff ( single cable) the only spring I see is on the TB,
is there a softer spring made? or way to mod this one?
even with a fairly heavy spring, the throttle should be pretty soft. don't go and mess with the spring tension of the stock throttle body. your cable is probably sticky, or just badly routed. try disconnecting it from the throttle body and see if it's smooth or not. you should try wicking some oil down it or get a new cable. i like lokar cables for tpi, they're shiny and good