Quote Originally Posted by kur4o View Post
I looked at the ee code and when vin is updated, it is written straight with no eeprom registers involved. Might be unlocked on default.

And than updated in a loop with no delays or whatever.

I think in ee[tside for sure] you can write to eeprom as a standard write to ram routine. Might give a try with some small test region.
there are subs at 6014 to erase and 6046 to program, they must be called at some point, why else would they be there. you can't program that eeprom without setting/clearing the latch and programming flags. i can't seem to find a code path but i can tell you there's no way you can enable the eeprom to be written to and read at the same time (and obviously we can read it or we wouldn't be getting it in mode 2 live reads of that area)