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Thread: Need Help

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Need Help

    Hey guys, looking for a lil help on my 5.3, i have a 2004 Tahoe engine and wiring and PCM with DBW and was wondering if i can convert it to DBC? i know i can convert the engine, but i need help with the wiring end of things along with PCM questions!!
    thank you

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected! ralmo94's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    If I remember correctly from when I looked in to dbc swap, it depends if you're pcm has an IAC driver. Some didn't apparently. I don't remember what years or boxes did and didn't. I decided it wasn't worth the trouble for my project at the time.

    You would probably get a little more help from others if this was in the gm section. It was my understanding the support section was for support using this forum? I could be wrong, not the first time.


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