Quote Originally Posted by Cadmaro View Post
I changed the settings from 0-255 to match the % in the logs from the 0411. Is it messing up because my logs include both STFT and LTFT from both banks?
Nope, I use both banks in my '95 logs as well. Trimalyzer can handle that.

As a sanity check, make sure that the field mappings are correct as well. If it's pulling data from the wrong field in the log that'll make a mess of things as well.

EDIT: Just looked at your first post. Looks like you're missing the Integrators. Maybe in your log they're referred to as STFT rather than INT? Either way, you should put STFT into the INT Field Data. Then sanity check and make sure that all the other data that Trimalyzer wants is being pulled from the correct place in your logs.