Quote Originally Posted by dave w View Post
The 27SF512 is a 64K chip, I think we can agree on that.

The '7427 uses a 64K chip, I think we can agree on that.

Chips like the 27SF512 can be used in the 1227747, which is a 4K chip, that requires an offset. The 4K offset is at the bottom 4K of the 27SF512 chip.

I simply don't understand the question, the 27SF512 is a 64K chip and the '7427 uses / requires a 64K chip.
OK Dave,
Let me see if I can explain this better;

First of all take the 7747 out of the equation,it's going on the shelf. I may read the PROM to compare the .bin but I am not going to use that ECM.

We know that the .bin doesn't fill the whole chip,there is a blank region,right!.

I will be running the 7427 ECM and have burned a 27SF512 chip to put in that 7427. When I read the original .bin(chip)out of the 7427 all the data was loaded in the bottom region of the chip(blank region at the top). When I burned the 27SF512 chip I used the instructions in the tunerpro help page and chose 000000->00FFFF as the address to burn the .bin in. When I loaded the buffer it put the .bin in the upper region of the chip(blank region at the bottom). Is this going to create an issue or will the processor still be able to read the .bin? Basically is it supposed to do that?