Quote Originally Posted by CK_32 View Post
Ok so I was able to download the BIN file from my factory ECU.

Its Electric TB. And Im unaware of the VIN off the original Tahoe. I forgot to check while pulling the motor from the junk yard.

Do you want the OS number its running? Or the entire file it self?

The OS 12619623

Im pretty sure I got the BIN file open on TunerPro but the XMP OS file isn't the same as the BIN OS.

My XMP file I found online for TunerPro is OS 12587603

From What Ive read, XMP and BIN file need to have the same OS to function together? Correct?

Edit: I Checked VATS on these 2 files. And the BIN off my ECU (12619623) and the XMP of (12587603) on Tuner Pro show VATS value set at 40.. When it says to disable VATs should be set at the value of 2. Is that my issue? Or is that pulled from the wrong XMP I downloaded?
I don't have any idea what a XMP file is.

But you need to find a XDF that matches your Operating system number. Your operating system is OS 12619623 so any changes you make in your Bin with any other XDF will probably be wrong.

Sorry I can't help you with a XDF but I'm just learning all this stuff.